Hi, my name is...

Aniket Rochwani

Software Engineer at Natwest Group

Dedicated to crafting web and mobile applications with MERN stack proficiency, while fluent in C++, Java, and JavaScript coding.

😊 A little bit about me.

aniket@ bosh
£ cd /home/aniket/public
£ cat README.txt
I am a Software Engineer at Natwest Group. I completed my graduation in 2023 from Indian Institute of Information Technology, Chennai.

I am a detail-oriented IT enthusiast with experience in Web Technologies. Skilled at operating in a wide range of platforms.Excellent written and oral communication skills; capable of explaining complex Web Stack issues in easy-to-understand terms

£ ls skills/primary

£ cat awards/achievements.txt

- Selected among the top 83 students for Summer of Bitcoin from an applicant pool of 20000.

- Successfully completed 30 days of cloud challenge by Google Cloud.

- Awarded scholarship of INR 6,50,000 under Mukhayamantri Medhavi Chatra Yojna(MMVY) funded by Madhya Pradesh government.

- Successfully contributed in numerous open source projects as a part of Hacktoberfest challenge [2020, 2021]

- Secured second position in the 1St NDIN Design comptetion by IISc Bangalore during the competition finals.

£ exit

💼 Some of my experience.

Natwest Group (Royal Bank of Scotland)
Summer of Bitcoin
Kameleon Technologies
WebOps Community

Software Engineer

Natwest Group (Royal Bank of Scotland); Gurugram, India - March 2023 - Now

  • Designed and developed Ansible playbooks for Unix and Database deployment across 10+ servers, achieving 90% time savings compared to manual processes.
  • Integrated code-quality pipelines,utilizing SonarQube to identify and resolve 1000 critical/blocker/major/minor issues, elevating code quality from 50% to 70%.
  • Developed JUnit and Mockito-based unit test cases forover 7components, achieving a code coverage of 75%.
  • Accomplished the migration and optimization of 7 components from Ant to Maven architecture, facilitating efficient dependency management.
  • Developed TeamCity pipelines for 7 Java components,resulting in a 98% time-saving efficiency compared to manual deployment processes.

🛠 A few projects I've worked on.

Stock Analysis preview

Stock Analysis

The Stock Analysis based on Ticker Symbol project is a ReactJS-based web application that fetches financial data using Axios and presents it through Plotly.js for data visualization. Users input a company's ticker symbol to view a comprehensive analysis of its performance, including maximum and minimum opening and high/low prices, maximum and minimum traded volumes, and total traded volume. The app offers a range of graphs and metrics, including 5-minute, boiler band, daily price comparison, violin plot, and histogram. Its user-friendly interface and efficient data processing make it a valuable resource for both novice investors and financial professionals seeking insights into the performance of publicly traded companies.

FAQs chatbot preview

FAQs chatbot

Designed and developed a open-source platform for solving queries of Hacktoberfest participants using a FAQs chatbot.


📨 Get in touch with me.

Have you got a project in mind? Message me and let's get started!